Market Basket Analysis
Market Basket Analysis
ENEIV | Labs: Projects
ENEIV | Labs: Projects


Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a data analysis technique used by retailers to understand the purchase behavior of customers. By examining the combinations of products that frequently co-occur in transactions, retailers can gain insights into product placement, promotions, and recommendation systems. The Apriori algorithm is a popular method used for this kind of analysis.

In this analysis, we've used the Apriori algorithm to explore a dataset of grocery transactions. Our goal is to identify patterns and associations between different products. Such insights can be invaluable for retailers looking to optimize store layouts, design promotional bundles, or enhance online shopping experiences with targeted recommendations.

Insights to Actions

Retailers can leverage these insights to make informed decisions about store layout, promotions, and online recommendations. By understanding customer purchase behaviors and the relationships between products, retailers can enhance the shopping experience, drive sales, and foster customer loyalty.


Through our Market Basket Analysis using the Apriori algorithm, we've uncovered several interesting associations between products in the dataset. Key insights include:

  • Whole Milk, Other Vegetables, and Rolls/Buns

    are among the most frequently purchased items. Promotions or discounts on these items can attract more customers.

  • There are strong associations between items like Yogurt and Tropical Fruit, suggesting potential bundling or promotional opportunities.

  • Wednesday and Friday are popular shopping days, while Sunday and Monday see fewer transactions. Tailoring promotions to these patterns can optimize sales.

  • Analyzing the sequence of purchases revealed that Whole Milk is often the first item customers pick up, indicating its significance in shopping trips.